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Angel's 2025 Essentials

Happy Sunday and Happy New Year Loves! Whew, these years are flying by but I always go into the new year with some type of game plan as far as some things that I can use to make the most of my year and some things that I use to stay connected and focused to ensure that my goals are attained God willing lol because if you want to hear God laugh tell him what you got planned.

So, before I get into it I will try to add as many links and information as possible so we can all be successful and get these goals and our life together for 2025! <3

  1. My Bible And Devotionals.

First and foremost, Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me"

I use my bible and devotionals to give me strength and encouragement during good days and challenges and I also use them to gain insight on life. If you want clarity and answers you go to the source and these are my sources.

  • I got the Bible and Bible Tabs from Amazon (Thank you prime)

  • The Devotionals I Got From Burlington.

  1. My Planner.

    If you fail to plan, you plan to fail, this is like my second brain because once I have an appointment or event date I'm not gonna remember it just off the top so this keeps me organized and keeps me sane because if I don't write it down it's not gonna happen lol. I got the planner from Target. I really didn't like the cover but I loved the layout inside, so I just covered it in my planner stickers lol

The Gucci Lady With The Coffee Is My Panner Bookmark It's From Pinterest My Best Friend lol
The Gucci Lady With The Coffee Is My Panner Bookmark It's From Pinterest My Best Friend lol
  1. Daily Calendar And Inspirational Quotes

I LOVE Inspirational Quote Calendars, it's like a little message of provoking thought that gets you through the day. I mean that's its purpose but it gives me something to look forward to like "what's the quote for today? * Super disclaimer the quote is from yesterday but today's quote is "Some people may be good but not necessarily suitable for you". What I also love is that it came with a Goal planning pack that included an action plan, life assessment, and weekly planner!. I love the extra effort this company made. It's also reusable because they included February's 29th day.

  1. Savings Challenge

We can't have a successful year without saving some of those coins right? So instead of budgeting a percentage for every check I wanted to do something different and complete a savings challenge. They have different amounts online if you want to find a different amount in your budget. With the challenge its a random prinable online and I chose to do envelopes from Amazon to have something tangible and I got the box from TJ Maxx I believe but I'm sure other stores have something similar. I've also seen the saving challenge envelopes in a book version if you're into that as well. Happy Saving!

  1. 52-week or 365-day Memory Jar.

I heard about this online and I thought this was cute to implement in the New Year. The concept is to write down something good that happened every week or day however you choose and you put the memories in the jar and you open the jar at the end of the year and you read the notes and you can see all the good you have experienced. I think it's dope to have a personal record of your highlights for that year. I got this rose gold iridescent jar at Dollar Tree. I love a good deal!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read today's blog! I hope some of my tools you implement or iyou are probably already being great and have your game plan together. If you want to share your 2025 tools for success comment on the champagne sundays blog IG post! See you next week!

With Love,




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