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Change The Change

“Life has a funny way of surprising us with the most beautiful encounters.”

   Change. And not change like “oh today's a new month let's start fresh” even though every day is a new day, but change on the lines of why do we resist the unexpected change when it could actually work out in our favor?  Why do we get so caught up in the effort of making the change we are expecting to see and then when the narrative isn't playing out how we expect, we scrap everything like nah this isn’t it. Don’t give up of the narrative that you thought but be open to the story that God has for you. There’s more than one road to your desired destination. There’s beauty in the unknown. I think each day when we wake up, despite what we think is going to happen, we should always have the spontaneity for unexpected changes. Because in those changes it's room for innovation, growth, learning opportunities and most importantly God's unexpected


   The best stories I've heard was the stories where people received and gained opportunities from a moment they didn't expect, where they meant it for one thing, but God turned it into something they wouldn't even happen. The best moments of happiness I've heard people talk about are a journey or experience that they have had just by being open and random about a change they weren't expecting and the change that's unexpected. Embrace change it it's there for a reason it's happening you will evolve, grow from it and if you don’t love it know you will in the future because it will be a contribution to your success.


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