Chosen One
No matter the current place you are in this moment mentally or physically know that in this space God has still chosen you for success. No matter if you think that your done and you can’t take another step God will give you the strength for those steps because he knows where those steps are going. There are no roadblocks for God, he knows what you’re up against, and no matter what he will set you up to win. Why? Because you’re the chosen one.
I think so much energy in our life is spent figuring out and answering “what's next” while being frustrated or confused in the present because we're trying to make moves that our hands don't have anything to do with. Yes, “faith without works is dead” but we also have to realize “peace be still”. I think we are also so used to thinking that “we got this” or “we'll figure this out” that we underestimate or forget who's really running things around here. Each move you make is God's footsteps being walked for us. God created us and he knows our wants and needs, even those wants and needs we don't even think we have. God knows our desires and the blessings he's going to provide us. So when you're in a space and you just don't know when and you keep trying an you feel like "where is this taking me" just know that God sees a path that only he can see and all he's asking you to do is trust him. #jesustakethewheel

Your time is coming your work and effort will not go unnoticed, God sees you. He knows your heart, don't give up, take it one day and one step at a time. Know that you're God’s chosen one and he still has you in his hands and those wins you are feeling, that you have been dreaming about will come to fruition because it's all in his timing for your life.