Day One Chapter 2025
As I transition into the New Year, these past few weeks have been calm for me, as I not only reflect on this year's experiences but also figuring out what my next steps are. In figuring out those steps I wanted to be in an intentional mindset creating the space that I need, to mentally prepare myself to step out of my comfort zone because for me to grow into the person I envision I have to step out into the unknown literally on God's faith because there isn’t no growth in life’s bubble.
Now I'm not just going to skip past the past 5-6 months you haven't heard from me I'm not going to do you like that, at the time I didn't want to write a fluff bs blog knowing that there wasn't nothing on my heart enough for me to give you I'm soooo sorry, but on my previous blogs I wanted to be intentional and provide gems to every reader and hoping those words provided encouragement, empowerment and maybe a light bulb sparking on their soul that gives them the energy to work on achieving their personal goals, so basically I had to fill my cup so I can pour into yours.
With that being said in that time frame I used the time to read and envision the plan for Champagne Sundays. I really don’t like to share things unless they are done but In 2025 and forward I want to bring more real-life content and also share some books that I read that I wanted to do a review on and provide you with some gems from them. I also wasn't going to gatekeep my learnings, it's each one teach one over here but I'm excited to be back and thank you for giving me grace and love.
Enough of me lol, but seriously whoever is reading this as you step into day one of chapter 2025 I want you to know You Are The Main Character In Your Story if you don't play about yourself, no one else will. I want you to understand your needs and wants are valid, take time for yourself, and do what fulfills your soul, yourself will thank you. I also want you to know the little things matter. When days get rough focus on the things that did go right have faith and know God will handle the rest. I also want you to give yourself grace we all are students in the class of life.
