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Moment Of Thankful

Life is composed of moments and how we navigate through those moments sets the tone and narrative to how God is going to bless us.

If you go through life being pessimistic, ungrateful, never satisfied, and happy with where you currently are you will never be able to receive what God has for you. God cannot bless you with more if you have never been grateful for what you currently have being grateful in moments of stillness, doubt a current situation shows that no matter what is going on and through in your life, you have faith, cause you know he will not leave or forsake you, you also know what God has for you is right on time. I think it's a blessing to see the colors in the dark and to see the light at the end of the tunnel although you may not know what is going on at that exact moment you do know better will come. Being thankful also gives you a positive outlook on life. If you go through the day receiving positives instead of negatives your day will flow much better and you will have a better faith system and perspective on life. For example, if you are running late you can find something before you go and you're frustrated, think of it as your guardian angels are delaying you for your protection be thankful in that.

Start every day with a grateful, thankful heart. Live life optimistically with the glass half full because even if it's not full you still have juice and watch how your life will transform and grow with those blessings, if you're not thankful for square one why would God bless you with square 2? Be just as grateful for the small things then you are for the big things and watch God work.


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