Ode To You.
You have come such a long way in life acknowledge it. The things you thought you couldn't get through, the "why me God" scenarios, the days you didn't wanna get out of bed, the days you sat in your car and cried and had moments and those moments ended as soon as you opened up the door and you persevered through it all. I'm so proud of you. The strength you gathered to overcome your fears and fight for your soul because deep down your intuition knew. I admire you for such resilience. You make everyone so proud and you are an inspiration for their strength. You have such a beautiful soul and everyone sees it. When you speak, you drop gems of knowledge and wisdom and you speak life into everyone you meet. You are a walking blessing of God’s favorite.

The journey hasn't been easy but you have navigated it with such grace and dignity. You didn't give up and take the road most traveled but you stayed on your path walking in your purpose of what God planned for you. You consistently and constantly set the tone and standard high not only for yourself but how others treat you as well. You already know your worth and you never have to remind anyone because they see it as well. I can't wait to see the continuous accomplishments that you make, all are all big never small. The ones that warm your spirit and make you proud but most importantly the ones That remind everyone that God Did.