Surrounding Love
Yes, you may be all about self-love and manifestations of every self-help book or podcast you ever digested and you drink water, exercise and take your vitamins every day, thinking the absolute best for yourself but do your surrounding circle reciprocate that love?
I think the saying goes you're only as strong as your weakest link and how can you continuously elevate yourself when you have people surrounding you with fixed mindsets, no vision for themselves, envious, and praying for your downfall? Being around people who love you, continuously support you, want what's best for you, and aren't afraid to tell you no it's so important in how God works for you and moves for you. Sometimes that blessing you have been asking for hasn't been answered sitting on read because God needed you to elevate yourself and remove yourself from those doubting you so he can bless the table that you cleared. When people aren't for you, you know. God didn't create intuition in us for nothing. Watch out for the ones that aren't happy for you when you're excited about something or the ones that put fear and what God gave you faith in. Up to 90% of communication is nonverbal. Look at their body language when discussing positive news, are they happy?, excited? or is it clear hate or disdain for God's blessing on you.

God didn't place you here for you to be surrounded by people who aren't for you. He wanted you to be around people that make you feel good about yourself even when you don't, he wanted you to have a village of constant support that makes life enjoyable even in those tough moments. He wanted people that can celebrate your wins and accomplishments that are truly happy for you and he wanted you to be around extensions of him so you never forget his continuous blessings on your life. But most importantly he wanted you to be surrounded by love.